Birgit Galler, graduate of the Academy, one-year intern training, current team trainer of the Academy
When I started my training at Centaurus Academy, I realized that I found what I had been looking for. I had ridden many horses but had no knowledge of training a horse. Through Heidrun, I learned that horse training always needs a plan but not a rigid system! To train a horse and to ride exemplary, one needs a background knowledge of the anatomy and biomechanics and the nature of the horse, the components and knowledge of professional riding is necessary. Heidrun has created a way to learn and apply this knowledge with the Zentaurus Academy. The more I learned, the more I realized how much more I wanted to learn. From the summer of 2015 I spent a year as an intern with Heidrun. It was a busy and instructive year in which I gained experience with horses at all educational levels. For me, it was exciting how Heidrun trains a wide variety of horses and how each individual horse works according to his abilities and talents. Heidrun knows how to train different horses and is always ready to challenge if necessary. I am grateful for her teaching in theory and practice as well as for our many discussions. Since training and learning is for a lifetime, my Lusitano “Estribo” and I always enjoy our visits at Weilbach!

Sonja Breier Graduate of the Academy
To complete the training with Heidrun was one of the best decisions I have made.
The course is excellently structured and is constantly adapted by Heidrun. In addition, Heidrun knows an answer to every question!
I haven’t found any other course that gives so much knowledge in such a condensed way. Above all, the intensive modules on the subject of anatomy allow me to understand the biomechanical relationships and to perceive the horse as a “whole”.
However, as a participant, you must be prepared to break away from existing thinking and riding patterns. You are continually challenged to work on and to change yourself. The riding lessons are not given just for the sake of the lessons but the gymnastics factor for the horse is in the foreground.
As part of the training I was shown a different approach to forming horses by the classical equitation. Every day, I am fascinated by how great horses evolve and change. I’m thankful for the knowledge I have gained and the patience she has shown toward me.
If riding a horse is difficult, it’s sports – if it looks easy, it is an art.

Eva Schneglberger, Student and Customer
I already had a very good riding trainer for classical riding when I searched for a new stable for my Lipizzaner horse. It was clear to me that our new stable had to offer equally excellent riding lessons (both in terms of the riding level and the heartfelt handling of horse and rider) – because I wouldn’t have been satisfied with anything less.
I found this and much more at Zentaurus.
Although I have a trained Lipizzaner I am actually a “recreational rider”. Though my training sessions alone with my horse are seldom, it’s all the more important to me that once a week I have the gymnastic riding lessons to keep my horse fit. Therefore I appreciate Heidrun’s accurate, and well-understood way of teaching. It challenges our training without overstraining.
We also learned much from the momentary lessons by Heidrun. Because My horse needs regular training to maintain his muscles, so I appreciate the once a week riding Heidrun provides. The progress is totally worth it!
I look forward to what we will achieve in the future and I’m happy to have found a great place to train.
Eva Schneglberger

Julia Grün, Absolventin der Akademie, Einjährige praktikumsausbildung,
Wenn du etwas verändern willst, ändere deinen Weg.
So habe ich 2017 meinen Haflinger, Westernsattel und Knotenhalfter zusammengepackt und bin zu Heidrun gefahren. Für ein Jahr Intensivausbildung. Spezialgebiet: klassische Dressur. Während in den Jahren zuvor im Horsemanship psychische Aspekte wie mentale und emotionale Fitness von Pferd und Mensch im Fokus standen, lernte ich hier die Reiterei in ihrer Gesamtheit und Ursprünglichkeit kennen. Dressur, die für das Pferd da ist.
Heidruns Ausbildungsstrategie ist in logisch aufeinander folgenden Lerneinheiten aufgebaut. Theoretisches Wissen vermittelt Zugang zu Anatomie, Bewegungs- und Gleichgewichtslehre. Das Auge wird geschult, Probleme klar zu identifizieren und wirksame Bewegungsabläufe zu erstellen. Muskelgruppen werden durch Massagetechniken, gymnastizierende Arbeit an der Hand und aus dem Sattel gelöst. Sitzschulungen machen auf den eigenen Bewegungsapparat aufmerksam und unter Beachtung der natürlichen Schiefe lernen Pferd und Mensch, sich in Balance zu bewegen.
Das Ergebnis ist ein korrekter Muskelaufbau und fließender Bewegungsablauf. Ganz nebenbei entstehen die schönsten Dressurlektionen, ehrlich, natürlich und individuell, denn Heidrun versteht es, für jedes Pferd die beste Methode zu finden. Heidrun dressiert nicht, sie bildet aus, und das mit viel Wissen, Geduld und Leidenschaft. Zuhause freue ich mich, wie sehr das Gelernte mir, meinen Schülern und meinen Pferden zugute kommt und wie schön es ist, wenn Pferd und Mensch im Einklang sind.
Gerne komme ich in die Akademie zurück, denn Lernen hört nie auf und manchmal brauchen wir jemanden, der uns zeigt, wie der Weg weitergehen kann 😉
Julia Grün
Horsemanship & Zentaurus Trainerin